Master the critical leadership skills and solid understanding of today’s theory needed to become an effective business leader in today’s turbulent times with Daft’s ‘The Leadership Experience’, 6E. Acclaimed author Richard Daft helps you explore the latest thinking in leadership theory and contemporary practices at work within organizations throughout the world. You will examine emerging topics, including enhancement of emotional intelligence, leadership vision and courage, leadership of virtual teams and open innovation and will connect those topics to recent world events such as ethical scandals and political turmoil. Packed with memorable examples and unique insights into actual leadership decisions, this full-color text includes crisp, clear visuals to reinforce the book’s engaging presentation. This edition’s proven applications, specifically designed for today’s leadership theory and applications course and a solid foundation grounded in established scholarly research make the topic of leadership come alive.
• Experiential exercises challenge students to apply concepts and assess personal progress. Each chapter ends with a “leadership at work” experiential exercise that provides additional opportunities for students to face leadership challenges and test their abilities to apply the chapter’s concepts. These proven exercises and feedback questionnaires provide an exceptional tool for students to assess their personal leadership skills and progress as a developing leader.
• chapter opener and “in the lead” memorable examples vividly illustrate chapter theories. Loaded with new, striking examples of leaders in both traditional and contemporary organizations, this edition opens each chapter with an example that launches the chapter’s content. Additional “in the lead” examples in each chapter spotlight activities within a wide variety of organizations ranging from education, the military and government to businesses and non-profit groups.
• “leadership bookshelf” reviews meaningful resources that build on chapter content. To help students continue their learning beyond the classroom, each chapter highlights a recent book that relates to the chapter’s content. These “leader’s bookshelf” features connect students to the emerging issues and topics of importance that today’s leaders are researching and discussing, whether in academia, business, the military or non-profit organizations.
• “leader’s self-insights” encourage students to examine personal leadership skills. As students progress through your course, these engaging “leader’s self-insight” boxes encourage them to pause for a meaningful self-assessment of their personal abilities and aptitude for leadership. Students experience leadership issues in a personal way as they complete questionnaires, scenarios and carefully selected activities.
• “consider this!” features provide memorable insights into leadership topics. Students will remember key points as “consider this!” boxes within each chapter offer personal and compelling pieces of timeless wisdom or inspiring quotes from famous leaders. This novel, interesting material helps expand students’ thinking about today’s leadership experiences.
• new interactive cases. Instructors who want to incorporate additional cases into their courses now have the option of assigning an online-exclusive case for each chapter that includes the full text of the case and interactive activities with immediate scoring and feedback.
• new interactive self-assessments. One of the hallmark features of the text, the leader’s self-insight assessments now include interactive online versions wherein students may complete the full assessment online and complete brand new accompanying activities to link the self-assessment concepts back to the relevant chapter material.
• new media quizzes. New to the sixth edition of the text is a complete set of leadership videos that connect the text’s concepts with current, real-world situations. The videos are viewable online and include accompanying assessment activities.
• new leadership at work activities. Another integral feature of the text, each chapter’s leadership at work exercises may be completed and submitted online for students who prefer working in a digital environment.
• new “follow the leader” feature. Students who want to find current leaders who can provide valuable insight on the state of business today will now find directives at the end of each chapter for relevant twitter feeds for both high-profile leaders and individual bloggers whose articles relate well to the content in the text. By following these leaders, users will have a current, continually updated connection to the leadership world.
• thoroughly updated examples. The examples in the text have been thoroughly updated to reflect current trends and the constant evolution of leadership theories.
• updated learning features reflect the latest leadership trends. Popular applications and fresh learning features within each chapter now reflect the most current business information and emerging leadership trends. A variety of features–“in the lead,” “consider this!” and “leader’s bookshelf”–help prepare students for today’s emerging leadership challenges and quickly changing roles.
• new and revised leadership development cases prepare students to excel. Numerous new and revised cases for analysis present today’s current issues and leadership challenges. These short, problem-oriented cases put students’ skills to the test, requiring students to apply concepts learned to real, timely issues. Cases challenge students’ cognitive understanding of leadership ideas while providing opportunities to perfect the skills most critical for leadership success.
• enhanced test bank helps provides more effective student assessment. The test bank for the sixth edition has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect the text’s current content. In addition, the test bank and online homework problems are now more tightly integrated, ensuring that students will experience consistency in question types and difficulties when transitioning from homework material to formal assessments.
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