A renowned inspirational fiction, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a revealing story that offers the readers a simple yet profound way to live life. The plot of this story revolves around Julian Mantle, a lawyer who has made his fortune and name in the profession. A sudden heart-attack creates havoc in the successful lawyer’s life. Jolted by the sudden onset of the illness, his practice comes to a standstill. He ponders over material success being worth it all, renounces all of it and leaves for India.
About the Author
Robin Sharma, the bestselling author of ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’, first published in 1999, is an International Leadership Professional Guru who is credited with having written 15 books on leadership. He has been guiding people to live a better life, by drawing inspiration from his own life experiences. The Leader Who Had No Title, The Leader Who Had No Title, The Greatness Guide and The Saint and The Saint are among his best books. He heads the Sharma Leadership International Inc, a firm that trains people in leadership. A former litigation lawyer, Robin holds a law degree from Dalhousie Law School, Canada. This book along with The Greatness Guide has been among the world’s bestsellers and has been translated in as many as 70 languages all over the world.
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